Thursday, February 11, 2010

Human Rights Center Fellowship Grant

Tonight, I am finishing my application for a fellowship grant to fund my trip to Kenya. The details of which I am uncertain. It has been a struggle to get the materials and information necessary to finish my application from Carolyne and the KNCHR. I have so many questions and cannot find the answers on the internet or in a book. I went to speak with the coordinators of the fellowship program and was reminded of the harsh deadlines we Americans put on ourselves that do not exist in other cultures. This exchange of information has been a somewhat frustrating cultural experience with the "pole-pole" society in other nations. My goals and drive have gotten me this far and now it seems my need-to-do everything nature does not benefit in this situation. Though the challenge of getting the last bits of my application together is out of my hands, I feel confident in the details I have put together and feel motivated to continue this hard-work towards other scholarship and grant ventures.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I did not receive this fellowship and am now pursuing University funding through and independent study contract with a faculty member - the search for money continues.
